EQE Paper C courses

Paper C

This paper is part of the main-exam and involves drafting a notice of opposition to a European patent.

DeltaPatents continues to provide Paper C training courses until the complete implementation of the new EQE in 2027, at which point the Papers A, B, C, and D will cease to exist. We are currently in the process of developing training courses for the papers M1 – M4 in the New EQE format. These courses will be made available one year prior to the introduction of the corresponding papers M to the EQE.

For a thorough understanding of the introduction to the New EQE, including its relationship with the current/old EQE format, please consult “Navigating the EQE format changes” overview prepared by epi. To access regulations and notices pertaining to the EQE, please visit the official website of EPO.

We offer EQE training in English, German and French. Please scroll down to find the courses available in German and French.

Paper C Guided Exam

The 2-day course aims at improving the skills of candidates preparing for the C paper of the European Qualifying Examination (EQE). In preparation, the participants will be required to hand in their answers to one C Exam paper. You will use the EPO exam system WISEflow to practice your paper. This will be discussed, followed by practising one shortened and one full paper, guided and assisted by the tutor. By the end of the course the participants will have identified their weaknesses and will know the areas that they need to concentrate on in the period left before sitting the EQE enabling them to improve the overall score on the C paper. In this course candidates will learn how to efficiently perform the methodology under time pressure on actual papers and will get a good feeling for how marks are awarded in an actual exam.

Mock Exam 2 C

Practice a few weeks before the real exam in order to adjust your method, on papers as close as possible to the final exam. Get an evaluation on your level for each paper, thanks to a personalized marking of each paper, comments and advices from the tutor, in particular on the methodology used and the structure of your answer.
Based on the outcome, make final adjustments to your methodology before the exam.
Please note that we will use WISEflow for this course. 
2 different mock exams are organized, based on 2 different papers, which have been designed by the tutor.

  • Mock Exam 1 C
  • Mock Exam 2 C
Main Exam Paper C – EIPEF

This course aims to give the candidates an insight into how to scrutinize an opposition paper of the European Qualifying Examination. By the end of the course the candidates will have learnt how to analyse a client’s letter and efficiently extract and administrate information in the patent in suit and in the prior art. Candidates will be able to identify the important attacks and execute those attacks in a structured manner with the aim of scoring a sufficient number of marks in the available time. Time management is an integral part of the course.

Paper C Methodology

The 3-day methodology course aims to give the candidates an insight into how to scrutinize an opposition paper of the European Qualifying Examination. By the end of the course the candidates will have learnt how to analyse a client’s letter and efficiently extract and administrate information in the patent in suit and in the prior art. Candidates will be able to identify the important attacks and execute those attacks in a structured manner with the aim of scoring a sufficient number of marks in the available time. Time management is an integral part of the course. Where relevant, we will use WISEflow, giving candidates the opportunity to get familiar with the stystem used during the e-EQE.

Refresher Paper C for Re-sitters

The course aims to let candidates practice for the C exam in a very time efficient way. A short introduction of our methodology is combined with practicing older C exams (of 2024 or earlier). These exams have been turned into cases of approx. 1/3 of the original size. Most of the ‘standard’ issues have been removed like having to make a time line, performing a few normal novelty attacks or problem-solution attacks. The special issues have been kept. Candidates have to prepare some cases at home. Solving a case is expected to take approx. 1 hour per case. Writing it down could take a further hour. During the online session, each case will be discussed in sequence. Having discussed a case, the candidates get a marking sheet for the case and some time to mark their own solution. A detailed model solution is provided for each case. On the final day the latest EQE paper will be practiced, guided by the tutor and using WISEflow, the system that is used during the e-EQE.

Mock Exam 1 C

Practice a few weeks before the real exam in order to adjust your method, on papers as close as possible to the final exam. Get an evaluation on your level for each paper, thanks to a personalized marking of each paper, comments and advices from the tutor, in particular on the methodology used and the structure of your answer.
Based on the outcome, make final adjustments to your methodology before the exam.
Please note that we will use WISEflow for this course.
2 different mock exams are organized, based on 2 different papers, which have been designed by the tutor.

  • Mock Exam 1 C
  • Mock Exam 2 C

Aufgabe C Kurse auf Deutsch

Aufgabe C Methodik

Der 3-Tage-Methodik Kurs ist darauf ausgerichtet, den Kandidaten einen Einblick darin zu geben, wie man eine Einspruchsschrift der europäischen Eignungsprüfung überprüft. Am Ende des Kurses haben die Kandidaten gelernt, das Schreiben eines Mandanten zu analysieren, und Informationen über das Streitpatent und den Stand der Technik in effizienter Form zu extrahieren und zu verarbeiten. Die Kandidaten sind darüber hinaus in der Lage, die wesentlichen Angriffe zu bestimmen und diese Angriffe in strukturierter Weise und mit dem Ziel zu setzen, in der verfügbaren Zeit eine ausreichende Punktzahl zu erreichen. Das Zeitmanagement ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Kurses. Wo es sinnvoll ist, werden wir WISEflow  verwenden, so haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich mit dem System vertraut zu machen, das während der e-EQE verwendet wird.

Aufgabe C Probeprüfung unter Anleitung

Der 2-tägige Kurs hat zum Ziel, die Fähigkeiten der Kandidaten zu verbessern welche sich auf die Aufgabe C der Europäische Eignungsprüfung (EEP) vorbereiten. Als Teilnehmer am Kurs werden Sie gebeten, eine Prüfungsaufgabe zu Hause im Alleingang zu lösen und ihre Lösung einzureichen.  Wir werden WISEflow verwenden, so haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich mit dem System vertraut zu machen, das während der e-EQE verwendet wird. Diese Prüfungsaufgabe wird am Kursbeginn zusammen besprochen. Danach werden Sie eine verkürzte Prüfungsaufgabe und eine Prüfungsaufgabe in voller Länge ausarbeiten unter Betreuung von einem fachkundigen Tutor. Am Ende des Kurses werden Sie Ihre Schwachstellen gefunden haben, und werden Sie jene Bereiche kennen, auf die Sie sich in den letzten Wochen vor Ablegen der EEP konzentrieren müssen. Insbesondere werden Sie in diesem Kurs lernen, wie man die DeltaPatents Methodik zur Aufgabe C unter Zeitdruck auf aktuelle Prüfungsaufgaben effizient anwendet, und ein Eindruck erhalten, wie die Punkte in der Prüfung vergeben werden.

EQE Epreuve C en français

EQE Epreuve C

Ce cours intensif de 5 jours a pour but de donner aux participants les moyens d’analyser les documents d’examen de l’épreuve C. A la suite de ce cours, les participants seront armés pour analyser la lettre du client et extraire de manière efficace l’information pertinente du brevet faisant l’objet de l’opposition, et de l’art antérieur. Les participants seront capables d’identifier les attaques importantes et de les exécuter de manière structurée, dans le but d’obtenir le nombre suffisant de points dans le temps imparti. Le cours donne des clés sur la manière efficace de gérer son temps pendant l’examen. Les participants apprendront également à appliquer efficacement la méthodologie enseignée, sur des épreuves passées, en conditions réelles. 
Le cas échéant, nous utiliserons WISEflow, ce qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le système utilisé pendant l’e-EQE.
Le cours en présentiel à Torreilles est actuellement complet. Si vous souhaitez être ajouté(e) sur la liste d’attente, merci d’envoyer un message en ce sens à training@deltapatents.com.
Il reste des places pour la version simultanée en visioconférence et nous vous recommandons de vous inscrire rapidement pour sécuriser une place.

Examen Blanc 1 C

S’entraîner 1 à 2 mois avant l’examen pour peaufiner sa méthode sur des examens proches de l’examen final. Pouvoir évaluer son niveau aux différentes épreuves grâce à une correction et des commentaires personnalisés du tuteur, en particulier sur la méthode utilisée par le candidat et la structure de sa réponse. Pouvoir ajuster sa méthode avant l’examen final. Le cas échéant, nous utiliserons WISEflow, ce qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le système utilisé pendant l’e-EQE.
Les 2 épreuves proposées portent sur 2 sujets différents, conçus par le tuteur.

  • Examen Blanc 1 C 
  • Examen Blanc 2 C
Examen Blanc 2 C

S’entraîner 1 à 2 mois avant l’examen pour peaufiner sa méthode sur des examens proches de l’examen final. Pouvoir évaluer son niveau aux différentes épreuves grâce à une correction et des commentaires personnalisés du tuteur, en particulier sur la méthode utilisée par le candidat et la structure de sa réponse. Pouvoir ajuster sa méthode avant l’examen final. Le cas échéant, nous utiliserons WISEflow, ce qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le système utilisé pendant l’e-EQE.
Les 2 épreuves proposées portent sur 2 sujets différents, conçus par le tuteur.

  • Examen Blanc 1 C 
  • Examen Blanc 2 C

“I am happy to inform you I have finally passed the C exam with succes… After having failed four times… Your training was really like ‘a click’. I have single regret… not have followed earlier your courses!”

Who is DeltaPatents?

We have more than 20 years of experience in EQE training. This provides a solid basis for our extensive range of IP courses. Our training courses focus on giving insight and understanding, and ensuring that the acquired knowledge can be practically applied.

At DeltaPatents we thoroughly train and guide our tutors. For our tutors, training is a more than a profession; it is mastered by teamwork. As our tutors spend most of their time preparing and giving courses, they are very experienced and knowledgeable. We take feedback of attendants seriously and act on it. For us, quality and customer satisfaction are essential.

Meet the tutors

Jelle HoekstraJelle Hoekstra is a tutor for the Foundation, all Main Exam Papers and IP Administrators’ courses. He is a European Patent Attorney. Jelle is author of the book “Methodology for Paper C” and of the book “References to the European Patent Convention” (www.hoekstradoc.nl).


Sander van RijnswouSander van Rijnswou is a tutor for the Main Exam Paper C courses. He is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Technical Mathematics.



Joeri Beetz is a tutor for the Main Exam Paper C courses. He is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Physics.




Nico Cordes

Nico Cordes is a tutor for the Foundation and Main Exam Paper A, B and C courses, also in German language. He is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Electrical Engineering.



Grégory BaqueGrégory Baque is a tutor for the Foundation and all Main Exam Papers in French language, as well as mock exams for all papers in French and English. He is author of the book “CBE-PCT”.



Tanja la Cour Hoekstra

Tanja la Cour is a tutor for the Main Exam Paper C and IP Administrators’ courses. She is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Life Science and Biotechnology


Wish to pass the EQE?
Register for our courses now!