Opleiding Formalities Officers (NL)

Course overview

Each year in October, DeltaPatents offers a Full Program for Formalities Officers/IP Administrators, in co-operation with the Dutch “Platform Formalities Officers”. The program will run until May. Candidates who will take the exam, have priority. Candidates enrolling for the full program also have priority. Due to the Covid-19 situation we have decided to offer the training course as an online course. Course days will be half days (9.00 – 12.30 hrs.).

Information full program

The modules were developed by DeltaPatents in consultation with the Dutch Platform Formalities Officers, www.formalitiesofficers.nl. The basic modules represent the core foundation of knowledge required by a formalities officer/ip administrator. The total program is expected to consist of four modules. The basic modules provide terminology, overviews, and a core understanding of the processes to be performed by the formalities officer/ip administrator. Where possible, tuition will be in the native language. The information provided will be internalized during the course using many exercises/cases.

Formalities training (Dutch exam)

The Dutch exam for Formalities Officers is held each year. DeltaPatents offers a full training program in preparation of this exam, focussing on providing the desired knowledge and competences to the participants. The training contains 4 modules: General Aspects Patents + Core EPC Procedures, PTC Procedures + Foreign Systems, NL Patent Procedure + Changes of Ownership and Trademarks & Designs.

Start date
16 Days

“Good, focused on the exam, but also practically oriented.”

Who is DeltaPatents?

We have more than 20 years of experience in EQE training. This provides a solid basis for our extensive range of IP courses. Our training courses focus on giving insight and understanding, and ensuring that the acquired knowledge can be practically applied.

At DeltaPatents we thoroughly train and guide our tutors. For our tutors, training is a more than a profession; it is mastered by teamwork. As our tutors spend most of their time preparing and giving courses, they are very experienced and knowledgeable. We take feedback of attendants seriously and act on it. For us, quality and customer satisfaction are essential.

Meet the tutors

Diane TweedlieDiane Tweedlie is a tutor for the Pre-Exam, Main Exam Paper D and IP Administrators’ courses. She is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Mechanical Engineering.



Jelle HoekstraJelle Hoekstra is a tutor for the Pre-Exam, all Main Exam Papers and IP Administrators’ courses. He is a European Patent Attorney. Jelle is author of the book “Methodology for Paper C” and of the book “References to the European Patent Convention” (www.hoekstradoc.nl).


Tanja la Cour HoekstraTanja la Cour is a tutor for the Main Exam Paper C and IP Administrators’ courses. She is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Life Science and Biotechnology.



Simone KosterSimone Koster is a tutor for the IP Administrators’ courses. She holds a law degree and is a certified Formalities Officer.

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