EQE Foundation courses


This paper needs to be passed before the M1 and M2 exams in the standard track of the New EQE and it assesses candidates’ ability to answer legal questions and questions relating to the drafting of claims.

For a thorough understanding of the introduction to the Foundation Paper as part of the New EQE, including its relationship with the current/old EQE format, please consult “Navigating the EQE format changes” overview prepared by epi. To access regulations and notices pertaining to the EQE, please visit the official website of EPO.

A detailed brochure of our online Foundation Distance Learning course is available here.

A detailed brochure of our onsite Foundation Integrated – EIPEF course in Utrecht, The Netherlands is available here.

We offer Foundation training in English and French. Please scroll down to find the courses available in French.

Mock Exam 2 F

Practice a few weeks before the real exam in order to adjust your method, on papers as close as possible to the final exam.

Get an evaluation on your level for each paper, thanks to a personalized marking of each paper, comments and advices from the tutor, in particular on the methodology used and the structure of your answer.
Based on the outcome, make final adjustments to your methodology before the exam.
Please note that we will use WISEflow for this course.
2 different mock exams are organized, based on 2 different papers, which have been designed by the tutor:

  • Mock Exam 1 F
  • Mock Exam 2 F
Foundation Integrated – EIPEF

The 13-day Foundation Integrated Training course is the first training course of its kind in Europe which reduces the legal syllabus of the EQE to focus solely on the Foundation paper of the New EQE. It offers the benefits of DeltaPatents training and materials while attending in-person sessions in the Netherlands. Using our experiences from many past candidates, the homework is concentrated on the subjects which tend to require the most help. Both procedural and substantive aspects are covered and we integrated also the claim analysis part of the Foundation paper from the start in this training. Candidates will experience from the start how the gained knowledge can be used in an efficient way in order to pass the Foundation paper. The Foundation paper syllabus has been divided into EPC and PCT modules. The course is based around a strict homework schedule, which indicates the modules to be studied.
This course primarily targets candidates preparing for the Foundation paper of the New EQE in 2025. This course is also suitable as a first step for candidates preparing for the D paper of the “old EQE” in 2026, to be complemented with our Paper D EIPEF course in 2025 to get from basic level to Main Exam level.

Foundation Distance Learning

This course is based on the 13-day Foundation Integrated Training course, the first training course of its kind in Europe which reduces the legal syllabus of the EQE to focus solely on the Foundation paper of the New EQE. It offers the benefits of DeltaPatents training and materials without attending the sessions in the Netherlands. Instead of face-to-face contact, access to a knowledgeable tutor is in the form of video conference sessions and the possibility to ask questions by phone and e-mail. Using our experiences from many past candidates, the homework is concentrated on the subjects which tend to require the most help. Both procedural and substantive aspects are covered and we integrated also the claim analysis part of the Foundation paper from the start in this training.  Candidates will experience from the start how the gained knowledge can be used in an efficient way in order to pass the Foundation paper. The Foundation paper syllabus has been divided into EPC and PCT modules. The course is based around a strict homework schedule, which indicates the modules to be studied.
This course primarily targets candidates preparing for the Foundation paper of the New EQE in 2025. This course is also suitable as a first step for candidates preparing for the D paper of the “old EQE” in 2026, to be complemented with our D Distance Learning course in 2025 to get from basic level to Main Exam level.


Foundation Legal & Claim Analysis (3-day Methodology)

This 3-day course covers the legal and claim analysis part of the Foundation paper of the new EQE. Candidates with basic legal knowledge will learn during this course a methodology to pass the exam. This intensive course only covers the legal questions as well as the claim drafting topics and exam methodology for the Foundation paper. This methodology focuses on dealing with the question formats of the Foundation paper, and includes practicing with examples. For the legal part, candidates will practice questions using their own reference materials and the methodology. For the claim analysis part the course demonstrates how the theoretical legal knowledge is to be applied to the claim interpretation questions, using many practical exercises. An added hurdle to passing the Foundation paper is the limited time to answer. Candidates need to practice claim drafting/amendment questions using their own reference materials and methodology. Candidates will be practicing up-to-date exam-style questions under limited time. By the end of the course the participants will have identified their weaknesses and will know the areas that they need to concentrate before sitting the Foundation paper.

Mock Exam 1 F

Practice a few weeks before the real exam in order to adjust your method, on papers as close as possible to the final exam.

Get an evaluation on your level for each paper, thanks to a personalized marking of each paper, comments and advices from the tutor, in particular on the methodology used and the structure of your answer.
Based on the outcome, make final adjustments to your methodology before the exam.
The Mock Exam is offered fully online. Please note that we will use WISEflow for this course. 
2 different mock exams are organized, based on 2 different papers, which have been designed by the tutor:

  • Mock Exam 1 F
  • Mock Exam 2 F

EQE Epreuve F en français

EQE Epreuve F

Le cours se déroule sur 4 jours, avec environ 2 jours consacrés à l’analyse des revendications et 2 jours consacrés à la partie juridique.

Pour la partie analyse des revendications, les différents sujets abordés lors de l’examen (clarté, nouveauté, étendue de la protection, extension de l’objet, activité inventive) sont traités, au travers d’un grand nombre d’exemples pratiques. Le cours montre donc comment appliquer ses connaissances juridiques théoriques à l’interprétation des revendications, sur la base de nombreux exercices.

Pour la partie juridique, les participants devront posséder au préalable une connaissance de base du droit européen des brevets, acquise notamment via le CEIPI. Les participants s’exercent à des questions juridiques en utilisant leurs propres matériels et la méthode enseignée. Les participants s’exercent notamment à des questions dans le style de l’épreuve F, avec une contrainte de temps comparable aux conditions réelles de l’épreuve F.

Au cours de ces 4 journées, 2 examens blancs sont organisés. L’un deux est réalisé en conditions réelles par les candidats.

Les participants doivent se munir des ouvrages qu’ils utiliseront pendant l’examen. Le cas échéant, nous utiliserons WISEflow, ce qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le système utilisé pendant l’e-EQE.

Examen Blanc 1 F

S’entraîner 1 à 2 mois avant l’examen pour peaufiner sa méthode sur des examens proches de l’examen final. Pouvoir évaluer son niveau aux différentes épreuves grâce à une correction et des commentaires personnalisés du tuteur, en particulier sur la méthode utilisée par le candidat et la structure de sa réponse. Pouvoir ajuster sa méthode avant l’examen final. Le cas échéant, nous utiliserons WISEflow, ce qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le système utilisé pendant l’e-EQE.
Les 2 épreuves proposées portent sur 2 sujets différents, conçus par le tuteur: 

  • Examen Blanc 1 F 
  • Examen Blanc 2 F
Examen Blanc 2 F

S’entraîner 1 à 2 mois avant l’examen pour peaufiner sa méthode sur des examens proches de l’examen final. Pouvoir évaluer son niveau aux différentes épreuves grâce à une correction et des commentaires personnalisés du tuteur, en particulier sur la méthode utilisée par le candidat et la structure de sa réponse. Pouvoir ajuster sa méthode avant l’examen final. Le cas échéant, nous utiliserons WISEflow, ce qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le système utilisé pendant l’e-EQE.
Les 2 épreuves proposées portent sur 2 sujets différents, conçus par le tuteur: 

  • Examen blanc 1 F 
  • Examen blanc 2 F

Who is DeltaPatents?

We have many years of experience in EQE and IP Administrators training. This provides a solid basis for our extensive range of IP courses. Our training courses focus on giving insight and understanding, and ensuring that the acquired knowledge can be practically applied.

At DeltaPatents we thoroughly train and guide our tutors. For our tutors, training is a more than a profession; it is mastered by teamwork. As our tutors spend most of their time preparing and giving courses, they are very experienced and knowledgeable. We take feedback of attendants seriously and act on it. For us, quality and customer satisfaction are essential.

Meet the tutors

Roel van WoudenbergRoel van Woudenberg is a tutor for the Foundation and Main Exam Paper D courses. He is author of the DeltaPatents’ books “Basic Legal Questions” and “Main Exam Questions for Paper D”. Roel is (co-)author of the reference books “Topic-Related Index to the EPC and PCT” and “The Cross-Referenced Patent Cooperation Treaty ” (both together with Cees Mulder).


Nico CordesNico Cordes is a tutor for the Foundation and Main Exam Paper A, B and C courses, also in German language. He is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Electrical Engineering.


Diane TweedlieDiane Tweedlie is a tutor for the Foundation, Main Exam Paper D and IP Administrators’ courses. She is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Mechanical Engineering.



Grégory BaqueGrégory Baque is a tutor for the Foundation and all Main Exam Papers in French language, as well as mock exams for all papers in French and English. He is author of the book “CBE-PCT”.

Wish to pass the EQE?
Register for our courses now!