EQE Training in the Netherlands

Integrated EQE training (the Netherlands)

For candidates within easy travelling distance of the Dutch region, we offer a full 2-year integrated training program, covering the Foundation and the Main Exam. See also our detailed brochure on the bottom of this page.

For a thorough understanding of the introduction to the New EQE, including its relationship with the current/old EQE format, please consult “Navigating the EQE format changes” overview prepared by epi. To access regulations and notices pertaining to the EQE, please visit the official website of EPO.

A detailed brochure of our Integrated EQE training for Foundation and Main Exam – EIPEF courses is available here.

1st year: Foundation training

The Foundation comprises legal (D) and claim analysis (A/B) elements. The Foundation Training for candidates in the Dutch region is integrated in one module “Foundation Integrated Training“. Here we combine legal lectures with practice, from day 1.

Foundation Integrated – EIPEF

The 13-day Foundation Integrated Training course is the first training course of its kind in Europe which reduces the legal syllabus of the EQE to focus solely on the Foundation paper of the New EQE. It offers the benefits of DeltaPatents training and materials while attending in-person sessions in the Netherlands. Using our experiences from many past candidates, the homework is concentrated on the subjects which tend to require the most help. Both procedural and substantive aspects are covered and we integrated also the claim analysis part of the Foundation paper from the start in this training. Candidates will experience from the start how the gained knowledge can be used in an efficient way in order to pass the Foundation paper. The Foundation paper syllabus has been divided into EPC and PCT modules. The course is based around a strict homework schedule, which indicates the modules to be studied.
This course primarily targets candidates preparing for the Foundation paper of the New EQE in 2025. This course is also suitable as a first step for candidates preparing for the D paper of the “old EQE” in 2026, to be complemented with our Paper D EIPEF course in 2025 to get from basic level to Main Exam level.

2nd year: Main Exam training

These modules fully prepare the (Dutch) candidates for all papers of the EQE.

Main Exam D-Legal – EIPEF

The course aims at augmenting and deepening the knowledge acquired during the Basic (Foundation) Legal Training to a level required for the Paper D of the EQE Main Exam. Legal lectures will cover legal changes in the EPC & PCT since the Foundation, the more advanced legal subjects such as entitlement, enforcement, and petition for review. The Ancillary Regulations will be covered, as well as a specially selected subset of case law. Major part of this course is practicing DI questions.

Main Exam Paper D – EIPEF

This course is especially for candidates, having acquired sufficient knowledge in the Foundation module and the D-Legal Main-EQE module. The candidates will be trained on focusing to use the knowledge in an efficient way in order to pass the exam. Particular emphasis is given to the D-II part of the exam (Legal Opinion based on a client’s letter).

Main Exam Paper C – EIPEF

This course aims to give the candidates an insight into how to scrutinize an opposition paper of the European Qualifying Examination. By the end of the course the candidates will have learnt how to analyse a client’s letter and efficiently extract and administrate information in the patent in suit and in the prior art. Candidates will be able to identify the important attacks and execute those attacks in a structured manner with the aim of scoring a sufficient number of marks in the available time. Time management is an integral part of the course.

Main Exam Paper AB – EIPEF

In this course candidates will learn how to sit Paper A and Paper B. For Paper A, candidates will have learnt how to analyse the clients letter and prior art and how to define novel, inventive and clear claims which provide the client with maximum protection in the context of paper A. Candidates will be able to identify important hints in the papers leading to the intended solution, and will be able to draft claims and an introductory description in a structured manner for paper A.
For Paper B, candidates will have learnt how to analyse the prior art, client’s letter, the application as filed and the communication to define novel, inventive and clear claims which provide the client with maximum protection. Candidates will be able to amend the claims, and to answer the communication.

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