EQE Paper D courses

Paper D

The D paper is generally considered the most challenging of all EQE papers. In the DI parts of the paper, well-reasoned answers to the open DI questions are required. In the DII part, a complex industrial-property law case is presented  involving fundamental issues of patentability, rights of inventors, inventions as property and third-party rights; you need to draft a legal opinion explaining the legal consequences of the situation as described.

DeltaPatents continues to provide Paper D training courses as shown below and training materials in our webshop until the complete implementation of the new EQE in 2027, at which point the Papers A, B, C, and D will cease to exist. We are currently in the process of developing training courses for the papers M1 – M4 in the New EQE format. These courses will be made available one year prior to the introduction of the corresponding papers M to the EQE.

For a thorough understanding of the introduction to the New EQE, including its relationship with the current/old EQE format, please consult “Navigating the EQE format changes” overview prepared by epi. To access regulations and notices pertaining to the EQE, please visit the official website of EPO.

We offer EQE training in English, German and French. Please scroll down to find the courses available in German and French.

Main Exam Paper D1/M2 – EIPEF

The course aims at augmenting and deepening the knowledge acquired during the Basic (Foundation) Legal Training to a level required for the Paper D Part 1 of the EQE Main Exam / Paper M2 of the new EQE Main Exam). Legal lectures will cover legal changes in the EPC & PCT since the Foundation, the more advanced legal subjects such as entitlement, enforcement, and petition for review. The Ancillary Regulations will be covered, as well as a specially selected subset of case law. Major part of this course is practicing DI questions. This hybrid course features an onsite introductory session in Utrecht, The Netherlands, followed by interactive online sessions and mock exams  in WISEflow, ensuring a flexible and comprehensive learning experience.

Start date
11 Days
Hybrid training
Paper D Distance Learning

Since 2022 DeltaPatents has been offering this unique Paper D distance learning course for candidates preparing for EQE Main Exam Paper D. This course not only includes our D1 and D2 Methodology (1 full-day D1 Methodology and 3-full days D2 Methodology and cases), but also gives candidates the opportunity to gear up their legal level by augmenting and deepening the knowledge acquired during the Pre-Exam Legal training to a level of EQE Main Exam. To achieve this, we use the Main Exam Paper D Questions and Answers book as homework and present more advanced legal subjects. 

Start date
11 Days
Online training
Main Exam Paper D2 – EIPEF

This course is especially for candidates, having acquired sufficient knowledge in the Foundation module and the Main Exam Paper D1/M2 – EIPEF module. The candidates will be trained on focusing to use the knowledge in an efficient way in order to pass the exam. Particular emphasis is given to the Paper D Part 2 (Legal Opinion based on a client’s letter). This hybrid course features onsite introductory and paper discussion sessions in Utrecht, The Netherlands, followed by online mock exams in WISEflow, ensuring a flexible and comprehensive learning experience.

Start date
7 Days
Hybrid training
Paper D Methodology

Methodology for dealing with the most common situations in the D exam. By the end of this course, you will understand how to score high points on D for the things that you know well and the things you do well. You will understand what must be handed-in to get points, and you will have practiced a proven approach for generating answers. We will discuss alternative answers and different styles that can also score points. You will also be given many rules-of-thumb to guide this approach, based on our many years of EQE experience. We will also provide practical tips about how to organize your reference materials, how to study, what to take to the exam and how to divide your time between DI and DII parts. Where relevant, we will use WISEflow, giving you the opportunity to get familiar with the system used during the e-EQE.

Paper D Guided Trial Run

An added hurdle to passing the D paper is the limited time to answer. You need to practice dividing your time over the DI and the DII parts, and then answering questions using our own reference material to efficiently generate high-scoring answers. This 4-day course provides a final test of EQE readiness by practicing with the recent D papers under limited time. During this course, we will use WISEflow, giving you the opportunity to get familiar with the system used during the e-EQE. You will be guided by a knowledgeable tutor through the solution of part of the papers, and solve the other parts on your own. You will learn about tactics for the paper, legal issues, exam technique, answering style and alternative solutions. By the end of the course, you will have identified your legal and methodology weaknesses, and will know the areas that you need to concentrate on in the last few weeks before sitting the EQE. 

Paper D Guided Exam

During your preparation, you need to practice questions and papers to teach yourself how to read questions, to analyse the legal issues, to decide what to write and the detail level of your answer. However, it is difficult to judge your own progress, and comparing your own answers with model answers is not the best way to tune your skills. This course includes the marking and comments by the tutor on a homework paper (hand-in well before the course) to provide you with objective, individual feedback, as well as an in-session guided step-by-step execution of another paper. You will use the EQE exam system WISEflow to practice your paper.
By the end of this course, you will have received individual feedback from the tutor, have more experience in solving DI questions and DII cases efficiently, and have a picture of the areas where you need to improve.

Mock Exam 1 D

Practice a few weeks before the real exam in order to adjust your method, on papers as close as possible to the final exam. Get an evaluation on your level for each paper, thanks to a personalized marking of each paper, comments and advices from the tutor, in particular on the methodology used and the structure of your answer.
Based on the outcome, make final adjustments to your methodology before the exam.
Please note that we will use WISEflow for this course.
2 different mock exams are organized, based on 2 different papers, which have been designed by the tutor:

  • Mock Exam 1 D
  • Mock Exam 2 D
Mock Exam 2 D

Practice a few weeks before the real exam in order to adjust your method, on papers as close as possible to the final exam. Get an evaluation on your level for each paper, thanks to a personalized marking of each paper, comments and advices from the tutor, in particular on the methodology used and the structure of your answer.
Based on the outcome, make final adjustments to your methodology before the exam.
Please note that we will use WISEflow for this course.
2 different mock exams are organized, based on 2 different papers, which have been designed by the tutor:

  • Mock Exam 1 D
  • Mock Exam 2 D

Aufgabe D Kurse auf Deutsch

Aufgabe D Methodik

Methododik für den Umgang met den häufigsten Situationen in der D-Prüfung. Am Ende dieses Kurse werden Sie verstehen, wie Sie bei D ohne hohe Punktzahl erzielen können. Sie werden verstehen, was aufgeschrieben und eingereicht werden muss, um Punkte zu erhalten, und Sie werden einen bewährten Ansatz zur Generierung von Antworten üben. Dieser Kurs bietet Ihnen einen letzten Test für die EEP-Vorbereitung mit entsprechenten Übungen unter Prüfungsbedingungen. Sie werden von einem fachkundigen Tutor bei der Lösung eines Teils der Aufgaben betreut und lösen die anderen Teile im Alleingang.
Wo es sinnvoll ist, werden wir WISEflow verwenden, so haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich mit dem System vertraut zu machen, das während der e-EQE verwendet wird.

Aufgabe D Probeprüfung unter Anleitung

Eine zusätzliche Hürde bei der Bewältigung der Aufgabe D ist die begrenzte Zeit. Sie müssen also üben, Ihre Zeit für die DI und die DII Fragen richtig einzuteilen, und dann die Fragen unter Verwendung unserer Referenzmaterialien zu beantworten, und Antworten mit hoher Punktezahl niederzuschreiben. Der 4 -Tagekurs bietet Ihnen einen letzten Test für die EEP-Vorbereitung mit entsprechenden Übungen basierend auf den D Aufgaben aus 2015 und 2017 unter Prüfungsbedingungen. Sie werden von einem fachkundigen Tutor bei der Lösung eines Teils der Aufgaben betreut und lösen die anderen Teile im Alleingang. Sie erfahren mehr über die Taktiken für die Bearbeitung der Aufgaben, über Rechtsfragen, Prüftechniken, Antwortgestaltung und alternative Lösungen. Am Ende des Kurses werden Sie Ihre rechtlichen und methodischen Schwachstellen gefunden haben, und Sie werden jene Bereiche kennen, auf die Sie sich in den letzten Wochen vor Ablegen der EEP konzentrieren müssen. Wo es sinnvoll ist, werden wir WISEflow verwenden, so haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich mit dem System vertraut zu machen, das während der e-EQE verwendet wird.

EQE Epreuve D en français

EQE Epreuve D

Se préparer à l’épreuve D avec une méthode efficace. Après ce cours, les participants auront compris comment marquer des points sur les choses qu’ils savent. Ils sauront quel genre de réponse est attendue pour marquer des points, et auront pratiqué une méthode qui a fait ses preuves.
Les participants mettent immédiatement en œuvre la méthode enseignée, à travers des exercices pratiques. Les participants ont l’opportunité de pratiquer en utilisant leurs propres matériels, afin de générer de plus en plus vite des réponses qui marquent des points.
Nous donnons également des conseils pratiques pour organiser le matériel, pour étudier, ce qu’il faut apporter à l’examen, et comment gérer son temps lors des épreuves. Le cas échéant, nous utiliserons WISEflow, ce qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le système utilisé pendant l’e-EQE.
Ce cours a déjà commencé et n’est plus ouvert aux inscriptions. Si vous êtes intéressé à suivre ce cours l’année prochaine, veuillez consulter notre site web en avril pour les mises à jour.

Examen Blanc 1 D

S’entraîner 1 à 2 mois avant l’examen pour peaufiner sa méthode sur des examens proches de l’examen final. Pouvoir évaluer son niveau aux différentes épreuves grâce à une correction et des commentaires personnalisés du tuteur, en particulier sur la méthode utilisée par le candidat et la structure de sa réponse. Pouvoir ajuster sa méthode avant l’examen final. Le cas échéant, nous utiliserons WISEflow, ce qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le système utilisé pendant l’e-EQE.
Les 2 épreuves proposées portent sur 2 sujets différents, conçus par le tuteur.

  • Examen Blanc 1 D 
  • Examen Blanc 2 D
Examen Blanc 2 D

S’entraîner 1 à 2 mois avant l’examen pour peaufiner sa méthode sur des examens proches de l’examen final. Pouvoir évaluer son niveau aux différentes épreuves grâce à une correction et des commentaires personnalisés du tuteur, en particulier sur la méthode utilisée par le candidat et la structure de sa réponse. Pouvoir ajuster sa méthode avant l’examen final. Le cas échéant, nous utiliserons WISEflow, ce qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le système utilisé pendant l’e-EQE.
Les 2 épreuves proposées portent sur 2 sujets différents, conçus par le tuteur.

  • Examen Blanc 1 D 
  • Examen Blanc 2 D

“Thanks for all help and courses, you have provided excellent working books and excellent understanding in how to score the points on D.”

Who is DeltaPatents?

We have many years of experience in EQE and IP Administrators training. This provides a solid basis for our extensive range of IP courses. Our training courses focus on giving insight and understanding, and ensuring that the acquired knowledge can be practically applied.

At DeltaPatents we thoroughly train and guide our tutors. For our tutors, training is a more than a profession; it is mastered by teamwork. As our tutors spend most of their time preparing and giving courses, they are very experienced and knowledgeable. We take feedback of attendants seriously and act on it. For us, quality and customer satisfaction are essential.

Meet the tutors

Roel van WoudenbergRoel van Woudenberg is a tutor for the Foundation and Main Exam Paper D courses. He is author of the DeltaPatents’ books “Basic Legal Questions”, “Main Exam Questions for Paper D” and of the “Pre-Exam book”. Roel is (co-)author of the reference books “Topic-Related Index to the EPC and PCT” and “The Cross-Referenced Patent Cooperation Treaty ” (both together with Cees Mulder).


Jelle HoekstraJelle Hoekstra is a tutor for the Foundation, all Main Exam Papers and IP Administrators’ courses. He is a European Patent Attorney. Jelle is author of the book “Methodology for Paper C” and of the book “References to the European Patent Convention” (www.hoekstradoc.nl).


Diane TweedlieDiane Tweedlie is a tutor for the Foundation, Main Exam Paper D and IP Administrators’ courses. She is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Mechanical Engineering.



Stefanie Lewis is a tutor for the Foundation and Paper D Main Exam courses. She is a European Patent Attorney at K&S.




Grégory BaqueGrégory Baque is a tutor for the Foundation and all Main Exam Papers in French language, as well as mock exams for all papers in French and English. He is author of the book “CBE-PCT”.



Theo Vöckel is a tutor for the Main Exam Paper D in the German language. He is a European Patent Attorney working in-house and as a freelance attorney advising SME’s in the field of Computer-Implemented Inventions.


Wish to pass the EQE?
Register for our courses now!