We specialize in providing courses and training material for candidates preparing for the European Qualifying Examination (EQE), the Foundation as well as each of the papers of the Main Exam. A full range of short modules have been developed, allowing a candidate to optimally complement already acquired knowledge and skills.
We believe in teaching and treating candidates with a personal touch. You will be trained in small groups, giving ample opportunity to discuss unclear issues in more detail and get personal assistance. We welcome e-mail contact with our tutors to ask follow-up questions, to clarify course materials or to report mistakes.
DeltaPatents continues to provide Main Exam A, B, C, D training courses until the complete implementation of the new EQE in 2027, at which point the Papers A, B, C, and D will cease to exist. We are currently in the process of developing training courses for the papers M1 – M4 in the New EQE format. These courses will be made available one year prior to the introduction of the corresponding papers M to the EQE.
For a thorough understanding of the introduction to the New EQE, including its relationship with the current/old EQE format, please consult “Navigating the EQE format changes” overview prepared by epi. To access regulations and notices pertaining to the EQE, please visit the official website of EPO.
Assesses candidates’ ability to answer legal questions and questions relating to the drafting of claims using the question formats of the Foundation paper.
Evaluates candidates’ ability to analyze information, interpret client instructions, understand an invention, assess it against prior art, and ensure compliance with EPC provisions.
Assesses whether the candidate can apply the procedural patent law of the EPC and the PCT in both day-to-day and exceptional situations in the practice of
professional representatives.
Main exam
Tests the candidate’s ability to draft claims and the introductory part of a European patent application. Since 2017, this is a single paper for candidates from all technical backgrounds.
Main exam
Requires candidates to prepare a reply to an office action in which prior art has been cited. Since 2017, this is a single paper for candidates from all technical backgrounds.
Main Exam
Involves drafting a notice of opposition to a European patent in which the claims of the patent need to be attacked using the provided prior art documents.
Main Exam
Consists of two parts DI and DII and assesses candidates’ ability to answer legal questions (DI) and to draft a legal advice (DII).
“Thanks to the whole DeltaPatents’ team for their enthusiastic training, guidance, tips & tricks and support. Without you, it would not have been possible to pass the EQE exams.”
Seit einigen Jahren bietet DeltaPatents für die Prüfungsaufgaben A, B, C und D auch Kurse auf Deutsch an.
Depuis de nombreuses années DeltaPatents vous propose des cours de préparation à l’EQE en français. Les candidats qui ont suivi ces cours ont obtenu des résultats très positifs à cet examen.
For candidates within easy travelling distance of the Netherlands region, we offer a full 2-year integrated training program, covering the Foundation paper and the Main Exam.
“I would not have made the exam without your course and you always took such a good care of us, both inside and outside the course. We always have candidates in the training and I will suggest that they all take the DeltaPatents’ courses.”
We provide our trainings throughout Europe to minimize your travel costs. Nearly all of our courses are also available as online courses which can be followed via a computer or tablet device.
All courses can also be given in-house. If required, a module can be tailored to your local organisational needs. Please contact us if you are interested in inviting us to your office.
Our training courses are offered by DeltaPatents Training B.V. Invoices will be sent in the name of DeltaPatents Training B.V.