
  • A binder with overhead sheets giving tactics for the legal part and the claim analysis of the Pre-Exam, 
  • A number of example exam-style questions,  Pre-Exam papers, analysis of the papers and our model solutions.
  • Materials for use at the Pre-Exam including flowcharts.
  • Materials for use at the Pre-Exam including a claim drafting/amendment flowchart.
  • The Pre-Exam Cases and Answers book.
  • Where relevant, we will use WISEflow, giving you the opportunity to get familiar with the system used during the e-EQE



Course fee

  • 3-day Pre-Exam Legal & Claim Analysis online € 1.425

Registration fee and VAT information

  • An administrative fee of € 125 is charged for every booking. If more than one course is booked at the same time, only one administrative fee will be charged
  • All fees are excluding 21% VAT