Eduardo earned his PhD in Physics from Leiden University, with Prof.Dr. Michel Orrit (Spinoza Prize, 2017) as his advisor, working in the field of experimental single molecule optics and detection. Previously, he worked as a Visiting Scholar/Visiting Student Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, in the group of Prof. Dr. Carlos Jose Bustamante, and as a Visiting Scholar at Arizona State University, in the group of Prof.Dr. Fernando Ponce.
Moreover, Eduardo had a research stay at the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, in Germany, and was a member of the School of Nanophotonics at the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 787 “Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models and Devices” at the Technical University of Berlin (2015).
Eduardo’s broad scientific and engineering expertise comprises optics and optical systems, nanophotonics, semiconductor materials and devices, quantum and atomic devices and technologies, optoelectronic devices, solar technology, medical devices and technology, materials science and characterization techniques, thin films/coatings, nanotechnology, metallurgy, signal and image processing, control systems, mechanical engineering/devices, etc.