
A detailed brochure of this course is available here.

The following topics are covered

  • An overview of how Paper C has developed through the years, expected attacks and level of argumentation
  • Legal background: priority, added subject-matter, claim interpretation, state of the art, novelty and inventive step
  • Analyzing the client’s letter
  • Analyzing the patent to be opposed (claim interpretation, claimed objects, effects and definitions of features)
  • Determining the effective dates of the claims, making a time line, solving and arguing any priority issue (same invention, 1st application issue, various tests)
  • Establishing the state-of-the-art, dealing with European prior rights
  • Recognising and dealing with added subject-matter attacks on the description and the claims; detailed explanation of the various test
  • Identifying and performing novelty attacks based on European prior rights under Art.54(3)
  • Identifying for each claimed embodiment the relevant sections of the Art.54(2) prior art documents and performing the ‘must-have’ attack(s) under novelty or inventive step
  • Time efficient analysis of the documents and recording of information


  • A book with sheets on C Methodology
  • The EQE 2022 Exam paper will be used during the course, with the DeltaPatents' model solutions
  • Cases and answers
  • Where relevant, we will use WISEflow, giving you the opportunity to get familiar with the system used during the e-EQE

Course fee

  • 3-day Paper C Methodology online: € 1.450
  • 3-day Paper C Methodology onsite in Europe: € 1.715


If you register for the 3-day Paper C Methodology course as well as the 2-day Paper C Guided Exam course, you will receive a discount of € 200 (on the course fee of the Guided Exam). This offer only applies to courses taken in the same EQE year.

Registration fee and VAT information

  • An administrative fee of € 125 is charged for every booking. If more than one course is booked at the same time, only one administrative fee will be charged
  • All fees are excluding 21% VAT